District Compliance Contacts
Indoor Air Quality
Rusty Byard - 759-2720
FMLA Employment Services
Brooke Crowder - 759-2720
Special Education
Heather Lucas - 759-2720
504/McKinney-Vento Homeless Act/Title III Services
Aaron Hoopingarner - 759-2611
Title I and Title II Services
David Sturgeon - 759-2720
Title IX Coordinators
David Sturgeon - 759-2720 [email protected]
Brooke Crowder - 759-2720 [email protected]
Title IX Compliance Overview
Title IX is used to prevent discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funds. Specifically, the law governs the way in which institutions must handle accusations of sexual harassment to ensure that investigators are transparent and fair. The link below directs you to the SafeSchools course that is designed to provide school staff with an overview of Title IX regulations to ensure that their school district is in compliance. Topics covered include the role of legal precedent, regulatory and subregulatory guidance related to Title IX; relevant terminology used in Title IX guidance; and guidelines school districts must follow to remain in compliance with the law.
Persons who are unable access the content may contact a Title IX coordinators, above, to obtain the content.